Knives & Tools

Knives & Tools

We've got the Knives & Tools products! In our Knives & Tools department, you will find many popular Knives & Tools products. FS Sportsman's Knives & Tools department includes popular products from respected manufacturers like:

  • AccuSharp

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Description SKU MSRP Regular Special Qty
AccuSharp Model 001 Blade Sharpener White Plastic Ac2-001 $9.97 $9.69
AccuSharp SturdyMount Knife Sharpener Silver Ac2-004C $10.99 $9.69
AccuSharp Knife And Tool Sharpener Camouflage Ac2-005C $14.99 $13.39
AccuSharp AugerSharp Tool Sharpener White Ac2-007C $10.99 $9.69
AccuSharp and ShearSharp Knife And Tool Sharpener Combo Yellow/White Ac2-012C $19.99 $16.59

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